
Posts ยป the code quacker quacketh

Code QuackerMy team have been working on polishing the code quacker for some time now. Initially I couldn't understand what Poland and the Polish had to do with anything, but I have to admit that now the quacker does indeed look better. For newcomers, the code quacker is a tool that let's you encode messages in various interesting vocabularies. For example, if someone proposed to you, what could be more romantic than sending them an email saying:

Snuggle snuggle. Cuddle tickle! Hug kiss hug. Cuddle cuddle. Kiss hug! Smooch tickle! Smooch smooch. Cuddle smooch cuddle cuddle kiss. Snuggle snuggle! Snuggle kiss. Tickle cuddle smooch hug kiss! Snuggle cuddle smooch smooch wriggle? Wriggle hug.

Which, after using the code quacker, they discover translates to:
